A Few Preliminaries

This example uses the phonTools package, developed by Santiago Barreda.

## A few examples of some vowel plots.

## load the Peterson and Barney data
data (pb52)
pb52 = pb52[pb52$type=='m',] ## use only the males

# par (mfrow = c(3,2), mar = c(4.2,4.2,1,1))

# standard layout with linear axes
vplot (pb52$f1, pb52$f2, pb52$vowel, xsampa = TRUE)

plot of chunk vowel_space

# alternate layout with log axes
vplot (pb52$f1, pb52$f2, pb52$vowel, logaxes = TRUE,
alternateaxes = TRUE, xsampa = TRUE)

plot of chunk vowel_space

# category means only 
vplot (pb52$f1, pb52$f2, pb52$vowel, logaxes = TRUE,
meansonly = TRUE, xsampa = TRUE, cex = 3)

plot of chunk vowel_space

# category means only with standard deviation ellipses
vplot (pb52$f1, pb52$f2, pb52$vowel, logaxes = FALSE,
meansonly = TRUE, ellipsesd = 2, xsampa = TRUE)

plot of chunk vowel_space

# same as above, with alternate axes
vplot (pb52$f1, pb52$f2, pb52$vowel, logaxes = TRUE,
meansonly = TRUE, ellipsesd = 2, xsampa = TRUE,
alternateaxes = TRUE)

plot of chunk vowel_space

# individual points with standard deviation ellipses
# and alternate axes
vplot (pb52$f1, pb52$f2, pb52$vowel, logaxes = TRUE,
meansonly = FALSE, ellipsesd = 2, xsampa = TRUE,
alternateaxes = TRUE)

plot of chunk vowel_space

I have moved some of the files around and this is a further test of the workflow functionality. I am hoping to be out of the testing phase within a week or so and then I should be able to post in plain text from anywhere!